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Scheduling - Processing a Day's Patients

A day's patients are all of the patients who are on the schedule for the day or who have recall that is due on that day. Review this documentation for hints on how to streamline this process.

Insurance - How to Create a List of Patients with Remaining Benefits

If your office uses treatment plans to record pending treatment for your patients, you can create a list of patients who have pending treatment and who also have insurance benefits remaining for this year.

Organize - How to Set Up Patient Folders

Patient folders are used to store patient information such as forms, charts and x-rays.

Organize - All About Procedure Categories

Procedure categories can be customized in Datacon in order to facilitate ease of procedure code tracking and reporting. Once a procedure category is created and procedure codes have been specified for it, the category can be tracked as a whole unit.

Organize - All About Quick Notes

Creating QuickNotes can save you time with notes that you type in repeatedly. QuickNotes is a feature that allows you to use pre-defined note text (user-defined by you) that may be edited within each note field as you go.