Welcome to the Datacon Blog
Datacon Charting System Released
After months of development and anticipation we are pleased to announce that the initial release of our new charting system has been released. The charting system is organized into ten…
Charting Sneak Preview - Part II
Datacon's charting system is getting a makeover. (Con't) Last month we wrote about the upcoming update to our charting software and included some preliminary sample screens to…
Charting Sneak Preview
Datacon's charting system is getting a makeover. Datacon's software has included periodontal tooth charting with anatomical tooth images for many years. Due to their simplicity and…
Chart Note Notes
As more and more of you are transitioning from keeping chart notes on paper to utilizing electronic charting, we have been getting great feedback about what we are doing and suggestions for…
I Mail, You Mail , We All Mail with Email...
Since 2000, Datacon's software has included the option to "print" to email. This capability is most often used for sending email appointment confirmations to patients. In recent years many of…
Time Clock & Office Mail
Your Datacon software includes the option to leave notes for other users but our optional Time Clock software includes a much more extensive communication capability. This feature can…
New Patient Tracking
Last year around this time we wrote about an add-on report for tracking new patients. This year we have made this report a standard part of the software.
Referrals for Specialists
Many of our clients are specialty practices and one of the reasons for this is the strength of our referral tracking and reporting.
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