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New Patient Tracking

New Patient Tracking

Last year around this time we wrote about an add-on report for tracking new patients. This year we have made this report a standard part of the software. 

If you take a peek into the Treatment Plans menu you will find a new item at the bottom titled "New Patients Seen". When a new patient is seen the first time, the software can post a new patient transaction at the top of the patient ledger. The New Patients Seen selection shows a list of patients who have had this procedure posted. This list defaults to showing the patient notes but this area can be easily customized to show other information. If you have patient flags defined for things like a Welcome Package or Thank You Sent they can be displayed here to make it simple to see what follow-up needs to occur.  There is also a new built-in report that can be printed from the New Patients Seen list.  

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The New Patient Tracking Report is similar to the optional custom report we have offered in the past. This report shows new patients for a range of dates. For each patient we show their age, first treatment date, amount diagnosed, amount scheduled, and next appointment date. Like the New Patients Seen list, the notes area on the report can be customized to show flags or other  information. At the bottom of the report there is a summary showing total treatment diagnosed, scheduled and not scheduled along with the acceptance rate.  There are also averages for new patient age, treatment diagnosed, and accepted.

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